I used to be addicted to TV, watching regular programming as much as I could, and never getting around to anything...even food! I could starve to death watching TV!! Then this was replaced by video games, and now I have revisited this addiction with blogging on GYE (only). Guard knocked some sence into me, and it has worked wonders. For the first time in weeks I have actualy read peoples troubles and written long responses, They are also pretty kedai to read!
But what do you guys say? am I a dry addict, looking for an "electronic fix" or am I an SA, who's addiction is to S__ of a form (in my case only p___ and formerly hz"l).
ANd chizuk would be mucch appreciated. nafka mina, starting shidduchim without a clean streak per-se (only a few falls, during big nissyonos). I am starting to feel that I'm not an addict, but rather a former addict, with a below average Y"H. and my former habits bring me to choose p___ as my outlet.
please respond here: rehab-my-site.com/guardureyes/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=39 Feel free to post real nissyonos on the rest of this thread: