lamed vavnik wrote on 13 Jan 2010 21:17:
silentbattle wrote on 13 Jan 2010 18:10:
I know that when I'm dealing with stress, relaxation breathing techniques help relax me...are you familiar with any of them?
none . enlighten me.
You can do this no matter where you are - you can even do it while standing, walking, or driving. The easiest way to do it, though, is when you're either sitting or lying down, and you can close your eyes.
Now, breathe slowly, in through your nose, and out through your mouth (well, mouth and nose, just exhale). Now, here's the key - usually, when we take a deep breath, we breathe into our chest, expanding our chest. When we do that, though, our body naturally speeds up, becoming more tense.
Instead, keep your chest level, and breathe into your stomach (well, not really into your stomach, but it'll look like your stomach is expanding). Take slow breaths, and do this for several minutes. As you breathe out, each time, you should start to feel yourself relaxing, bit by bit...
Try to keep your mind relaxed and blank...if unwanted thoughts come in, don't push them out, just let them slide away...
Hope that helps!
Another good idea is to download hypnosis audio tracks. You can download the ones that deal specifically with stress, but really any will do. They are really relaxing.