I just made it through the 4th day clean and I almost fell. Okay, I slipped a little. I was davening Mincha and the Yetzer Horah attacked me, but I ignored the urge. Later, I went on the computer and found a Jewish website I thought was harmless (so I by passed my filter because it was something suspicious but not p-rn) but I was wrong - there were inappropriate pictures and a link to forbidden videos. I found myself watching both the pictures and the forbidden videos. I wanted to act out so bad that I can hear the YH trying to trick me saying "So what if you do it, you'll restart [counting clean days] tomorrow" and for some reason or another I quit those pages. I don't recall thinking to myself why I left those pages, but I just did. What I do remember was when the spirt of folly entered my mind (I hadn't thought about forbidden things during my 4 days clean) I happened to listen to the YH spiteful adivce. Thats my HUGE problem, I keep on falling for the YH voices when his cunning advice enters my mind. I admit I'm weak and its hard, for now, to block his advice. In such situations, when I'm alone on the computer and the YH is implanting a evil ploy in my mind, I would fall, but this time I didn't. Hashem saved me! I said a small prayer to Him for not letting me fall and be pgam habrit and for letting me stay clean longer and so deleted the picture from my computer
. I know for a those moments that I almost fell, I drifted away and forgotten about Hashem - temporarily, I at that moment made a idol of lust, yet, I returned to the King of Kings, the Life Giver! Now I
feel so happy, so free! Thank you Hashem!!!!!!
Now, I'm going to the gym to relieve this built up tension. What's funny is that my gym I go to is a coed place - forbidden spot for GUE holy warriors! But, for some reason I feel that its harder for me to sin there and (for me) its easier to guard my eyes in a public place then be alone with the computer even if I have a filter on. I usually go at night to avoid peak times. As I see it, I make a small mental barrier, where I differentiate myself from them. Like them, I go there to say healthy (they probably want to be attractive), but I do it for Hashem, to live longer, to keep my body fit and strengthen it so my soul has a place to dwell and continue to do mitzvot. I also bring some music or listen to and shiur. Also, I find it hard to lust when suffering from a workout
. Sorry, I went off topic, but I just wanted to share (in addition to the above post) other areas where guarding ones eyes is hard and some tools I use.
Thanks for reading my post.
Giant Leap.