I'm reading Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks's Faith Lecture now, and I just happened upon this particular passage, quite relevant and true:
"Cain, when G-d says to him, Lepetach chatat rovetz - sin is crouching at the door - ve'elecha teshukato - and it desires to have you - ve'ato timsho bo - but you can master it. When he says to Cain: You are free. And Cain rejects that as well."
Let's not forget, G-d gave us all free will to make the right moral choice! We can master our Yetzer Hara, our base passions, or we can let it master us. What I think is most important is that we remind ourselves every time we get an urge, every time we are challenged by the Yetzer Hara, that G-d gave us the strength to master it, and it too shall pass.