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I'm about to FALL!!
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TOPIC: I'm about to FALL!! 214453 Views

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 06 Feb 2011 17:09 #95858

  • tzaddik90
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I see i'm missing all the action.
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 Feb 2011 05:50 #96284

  • Reb Yid
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  • TKO the YH
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I just hit day 20. I'm still holding on, but I'm afraid of what tomorrow might bring. Anybody available for an energy surge to get me through this hump?
Everything went wrong today. My job. My wife. My mother. My finances. My chavrusa. EVERYTHING!!!
Usually when that would happen depression would set in and I would look for escape in the best way I knew how. I am now looking for an alternative escape.
I'm going to sleep soon and I'll be ok until tomorrow. But if I don't set my mind straight.............
Please Help!!
I am special
I was chosen for this special mission.
I must succeed.
Klal Yisroel needs me.
Hashem needs me.
Chizuk From the Parsha www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.0
Letter From YH
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 Feb 2011 06:19 #96286

  • Rising Up
  • Current streak: 122 days
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Oh!! Yeah.  Wake up on time and whatever comes up first, and I mean WHATEVER comes up first,  whether its something to be done for your wife, for your job, your mother, chavrusah, whatever, it doesn't matter; do it ten times better than you would on a normal day.  Put all of your energy that you think you have been given for the entire day into this one task.  It could be making breakfast for your wife.  It could be calling your mother. It could be working out your finances or coming an extra minute early to your chavrusah.  Do it with everything you got.  It doesn't matter what, how or where.  When you start off the day this way, I guarantee, I repeat: I GUARANTEE you that it will effect everything that you do for the rest of the day. It really doesn't matter what it is.  Just start off on the right foot and you will end up going a lot farther tomorrow than you did today.  Oh, and forget about today for at least another 24 hours. in fact, forget about it forever.
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:03 #96644

  • moishe333
  • Senior Boarder
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Anyone there? I need help. I'm My longest streak in a long long time.
But I'm feeling weak and found a huge hole in my internet filter.
I Dont want to fall.

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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:14 #96646

  • Lechayim
  • Current streak: 5 days
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Don't fall. You will feel horrible. This fun  is only for the time of 10-15 minutes . What do you have later doom and gloom , no true joy! Shabbos Kodesh is coming how are you goona face the Shabbos with a fall?? Tell the Yh your to busy today.
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:32 #96647

  • Reb Yid
  • Gold Boarder
  • TKO the YH
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Lechayim is right!!! It's just not worth it. I was almost there a few days ago, and It's amazing how good I feel now knowing that I didn't blow it.
I am going to take out my Tehillim now and say a few Perakim for you. Try to do the same.
Is there anything specific in your life that you are missing? Job, health, family, anything? You have before you an awesome opportunity to secure a Beracha from Hashem that is immeasurably powerful. Keep that in mind while you overcome this latest attempt by the YH to bring you down.
I am going to daven for you now.
Please post the good news soon!!!
HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am special
I was chosen for this special mission.
I must succeed.
Klal Yisroel needs me.
Hashem needs me.
Chizuk From the Parsha www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.0
Letter From YH
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:40 #96649

  • Lechayim
  • Current streak: 5 days
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Reb Yid is right make believe the world is half and half good and bad. It's in your hand now to change the world to all good. Cmon you can do it. Put on some hersiga Music. Get up jump away , pause call someone. You can do it!!!
Last Edit: 11 Feb 2011 16:48 by .

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:44 #96652

  • moishe333
  • Senior Boarder
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My program to download the movie just crashed and the p***  i was downloading got  lost!!  B'h I didn't even see any of it. I'm taking the hint to get off the computer. no more internet today. gonna tighten up the filter settings.

Was that your tehilim that did that? I'm going to say a couple of kapittelach myself. this just illustrated how much I still need Hashem's help.

Lechayim and reb Yid - The menucha I have this shabbos will be all thanks to you. This forum is full of so many tzadikim, its amazing. I'm in awe of all of you

good shabbos

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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:52 #96653

  • Reb Yid
  • Gold Boarder
  • TKO the YH
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My Menucha will be that much better as well knowing that there is a special Yid out there who had the Siyata Dishmaya to overcome the YH.
You inspire me
(and Lechayim is alright too!!!!)  ;D
I am special
I was chosen for this special mission.
I must succeed.
Klal Yisroel needs me.
Hashem needs me.
Chizuk From the Parsha www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=3456.0
Letter From YH
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 16:57 #96654

  • Lechayim
  • Current streak: 5 days
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I had the same thing a couple of weeks happen to me. I was about to chat with a fem and i started typing in English. all of a sudden it changed Languages to Loshon Kodesh (Ivrit) out of the blue. The fem could not understand what i was writing, BH it ended before we started.  I was saved from Shmuts I know you computer geeks will say big deal you pressed the button to make it change which is very simple, believe me it never happened to me and i didn't know about it, cause if i would i would fix it then back to english. Bottom line is HASHEM watches us if we beg enough to help us!! GIT SHABBOS!!
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 17:06 #96655

  • ZemirosShabbos
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such gevaldiger heiliger yidden
helping out a fellow yid

and glad the %^$*& stuff crashed
we are much more precious than all that garbage
fake manufactured imaginary scenes of real people being exploited and taken advantage of for money
people who (unfortunately) need drugs to function off-screen because of the deep scars on their psyche caused by being debased and devalued

enjoy the feeling of being clean and not having fallen in to the cesspool
have a super shabbos
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 11 Feb 2011 17:18 #96656

  • Rising Up
  • Current streak: 122 days
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MovingUp wrote on 07 Feb 2011 19:58:

Bad day - a trigger set me off and I can't get it out of my head. And I've tried all the tricks (got some fresh air, distractions etc) but the lust keeps coming back.

I've tried everything except for asking Hashem to help. I obviously can't beat this on my own. And I'm scared of falling. But the only thing I am scared of more than that, is admitting I need hashem's help to deal with this. What is wrong with me??????

MovingUp wrote on 11 Feb 2011 16:44:

My program to download the movie just crashed and the p***  i was downloading got  lost!!  B'h I didn't even see any of it. I'm taking the hint to get off the computer. no more internet today. gonna tighten up the filter settings.

Was that your tehilim that did that? I'm going to say a couple of kapittelach myself. this just illustrated how much I still need Hashem's help.

Lechayim and reb Yid - The menucha I have this shabbos will be all thanks to you. This forum is full of so many tzadikim, its amazing. I'm in awe of all of you

good shabbos


WHAT NOW!?!?!      ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Last Edit: 11 Feb 2011 20:21 by .

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 14 Feb 2011 01:46 #96799

  • moishe333
  • Senior Boarder
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B"H. thank you guys. 
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 14 Feb 2011 15:34 #96853

  • chassid84
Shalom everyone! I'm so glad I found GYE, the situation has grown to be out of control. Yesterday morning I woke up to my yetzer hara attacking me full force. I was able to resist the urge to fall (barely) and ran to kollel to learn Torah. But throughout the day, lust and fantasies just wouldn't stop. As soon as I returned home last night, it was as if I was possessed or something...and before I knew it I fell. Even worse, I fell again a few hours later. I feel so weak and disgusting. How can I even call myself a true Yid or even a chassid?! Around this time last year, I was shomer for almost 90 days. It was the best time of my life; just walking outside in nature was a spiritual experience for feeling so close to Hashem and perceiving his kedusha in everything. Since last summer I haven't been able to get back to that level; but have had a slow an steady decline. Though I use to fall daily ( a few years back), now its a few times per month....which is still completely unacceptable.

I want to shomer for life, more than anything else in the world. But now I feel so distant from Hashem. I don't have t.v or internet, but still fall into this destructive avera. Now that I know and have experienced the repercussions, I'm absolutely horrified by the potential hell and punishment I may go through this week from my recent fall. Though I arise early for davening, mikvah daily and try to be the best Yid I can be, once again I feel worthless, hypocritical and weak.  What else can I do to stop?!!!  Please help me!!
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Re: I'm about to FALL!! 14 Feb 2011 15:38 #96854

  • ZemirosShabbos
  • Platinum Boarder
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hi chassid 84 and welcome to this holy place
may i suggest that you make a thread in the 'Introduce Yourself' section so you can be welcomed by the chevra? here is the link:
stick around here and read up about all the tools and practical advice on how to live with this addiction and you will see that it can be done and you can live a live true to your self and to Hashem
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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