FTS, sorry for my delayed answer
Having ur wife know of ur struggle can make it easier by her being more available to u in time of need, or just for support, and they can admire ur effort in trying to avoid all the triggers out there which they also know about but never thought it applies to their holy husband, but with the proper guidance a wife can understand that man are from mars & women are from venus, and men get aroused very quick & its a constant struggle for a man to keep his eyes & thoughts holy as a yid is suppose to
Me too used to put up a face in the past that nah, all these women on the street all dressed up much nicer than my wife don't mean me & I'm above that, but I finally figured out that this is just increasing the tension & decided to let her know slowly that yes, I am no big tzadik & I get triggered & guess what she made a big change in her appearance for me & u know what, it does help, I'm not gana say that she can measure up to those pretty women, but I also know that don't measure up to other qualities she has & they probably don't & I know that she does the best she can do with herself & that makes me feel good & I am trying on my end to do the best I can on me end, believe me guys living in denial is not gana help us & neither will it help our beloved wives, life is a challenge we only live once & we have to pass the test, thank u guys for listening to JIP