Hi all,
Okay, a quick one. Its been months since I've posted. I was clean for about 130 days until sometime last week. Basically, I became a chosson about two and a half months ago, roughly. I had been doing amazing, my pc is fenced with 2 filters that are really useful, and things were going well.
My engagement has been ..... stressful. Very, very stressful. Not with my callah (who I'm very happy with), but with parents, wedding planning, my mom has been sick, work, have an exam to write, and on and on. Our wedding was something that was really giving me a lot of chizuk once I had been clean for so long - someone to wait for, someone to be loyal to . . .
I've been really struggling. About a week ago I had a sleepless night, and was feeling really really stressed out and my teivas nashim was just enormous - and I found myself in front of my father's pc, and fell. I tried to brush it off and carry on as best I can, but now I just find myself fighting to just walk past it. My yetzer hara is battering me - 'youre stressed, youre tired, you need to relax, dont worry about looking, youre not married yet ...'. Aaargh! I'm so frustrated even feeling like this! I got through the summer here in London without falling, and now I'm really struggling.
I found myself looking at stuff I really really shouldnt be not 5 minutes ago - I'm running away now to a friend's house just to get away, but tonight is a different story. In Elul noch, even better