Again, I am about to fall. Instead of falling I will write here. Let me give chizzuk instead of falling. Rabbosai, lets be mechazeik ourselves in this time of the aveilus of the churban beis hamikdash. One of the reasons for the destruction of the first mikdash was Gilui Arayos, and kol dor that the mikdash is not rebuilt, it is as if the mikdash was destroyed in that dor. It is OUR responsibility to bring back the beis hamikdash and bring the world back to the way it is supposed to be. I saw in a sefer that the most painful time for a mourner is right when the tragedy occurs, while maiso mutal lefonov, because he cant help but think back to what he had, how great times were so recently in the past, and now its all gone. By the seuda hamafsekes we all have a din of an onein, it's mamash meiso mutal lefonov, we are supposed to be in a state of shocked disbelief at was has been lost. The least we can do is to do our part to stay away from arayos to the best of our abilities, which are much greater than we can imagine. Lets hold each others hands, sing a hartzige niggun, learn a geshamke blatt gemara, and help in our own small way to bring the geulah!