Hi everyone!
Baruch Hashem, I am still being careful and guarding myself with Hashem's help and loving kindness!
We must all realize that it is Hashem who is guiding us and protecting us every second that we are not giving in to our desires.
Its not us.
We could not possibly live without Hashem.
It is Hashem who created us and put us in this world and for a reason.
With a Tachlis.
I once heard that if we are struggling in certain places, for example being Shmiras Einayim/Shmiras Habris, then it means that our main purpose of this earth is to overcome these Nisyonos and fight these specific Yetzer Hora's every day, one day at a time!
Hashem in His loving Kindness sent us to this world, with a 120 year incessant battle with the evil inclination.
Now, the Yetzer can't do a thing to a person who is happy.
When a person is happy, all the weapons that the Yetzer Hora tries to use against a person, they neutralize.
The Yetzer has no power whatsoever over a person who is constantly happy.
So how do we truly be happy?
By thanking Hashem for everything that He does for us every single day.
By just looking at how kind and loving He is to us.
Hashem is our loving Father in heaven, the Master and Creator of the entire universe, the King of Kings!
Just stop and think how much Hashem has always done for us in the past. Throughout the ages, how much Hashem does for us every single day.
Thank Hashem for all His loving Kindness,
for our lives!
Yes we are all living!!
Everyone here on GYE, you are alive and living!!
If you have managed to find your way, through all the crazy lies and rubbish, and finally reached your destination, GYE, then you have life!
No matter how low you may feel, how far away you have been, you are home now, in the warm and loving compounds of GYE!!
But, then the Yetzer comes along and we all of a sudden feel, totally helpless.
Hey! Wait a second. Just calm down.
You have just completed the first step: "We admitted we were powerless over lust--that our lives had become unmanageable."
That's unbelievable!
Just by us stopping and crying out for help to Hashem, for realizing that we cannot possibly do this on our own, we have completed the first step to overcoming our problems!
So next time you feel like acting out and giving in to the Yetzer's stupid tricks,
compose yourself,
weigh up your choices,
and admit your powerlessness to Hashem.
That's all,
just ask Hashem.
All Hashem wants to see is that we really know that its He who runs the world and only He can help us.
So lets focus on fighting, ONE DAY AT A TIME, STEP BY STEP,
and then we will be able to experience true joy!