Stop fooling yourself, it's not OK
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1451  
In Today's Issue
Image of the Day: Porn is not OK
Testimonials: What's Working So Far
Prevention: 25 Steps to Beating Porn Addiction
12 Step Attitude: Bill of the Big Book
90 Day Journey
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Image of the Day
Porn is not OK
Porn is not OK
What's Working So Far
By B'ahava

I got an anonymous e-mail about this site and I've been lurking around for about a month now (thank you anonymous yid for e-mailing me!). I figure it's finally time I post a bit about my experiences.

I just made it to level 3 in the 90 day journey. I'm 14 days clean! That's a record for the past 12 months, yishtabach shemo.

My main problem seem to be the standard P and M issues, r"l. I'm in my lower 20s, single, and in college.

Here are some steps I've taken that are working great so far:

1. Working through the GYE handbook and the Attitude Handbook.

2. Stepping out of the room and praying for 10 seconds if inappropriate content appears on my screen, no matter how it got there.

3. Reading the daily Chizuk emails.

4. A daily five minute seder in Esah Einai, a new sefer on shmiras enayim.

5. Prozac, which I've been on for a year. (Helps with depression, anxiety and compulsive or obsessive behaviors)

6. Weekly appointments with a therapist, where we discuss this among other issues.

7. Keeping the door open when web surfing in a room by myself.

8. Installing a good internet filter.

9. Praying for help with these issues, for myself and for klal yisroel.

10. Helping a friend work out his issues in these areas.

11. Reading through the forum and seeing holy Jews in much worse situations break free! What a geshmak to see how much hope there is!

12. Keeping track on the 90 day program.

13. Trying to watch my eyes outside in general.

Breaking free of this is really my number one priority right now - and it's working!!! I've made it 2 weeks now pretty bump-free, yishtabach shemo, probably because of the constant chizuk I'm getting throughout the day (as-per the list above).

Thank you so much. I love all of you and I pray that you'll all break free.

25 Steps to Beating Porn Addiction

Please check out the full guide to beating porn addiction in this and upcoming issues (For the first in the series, please refer to issue #1436). The creators of the infographic have taken each of the 25 strategies and provided clear practical actions to take in detail:


    Being supported and challenged by people overcoming the same problems is one of the key reasons why group therapy is effective. By getting out from behind your computer screen and discussing your addiction with real people makes the difference for some porn users. Group therapy will also help you back into experiencing normal social activites.

    It is the nature of the group, the ideal that you are sharing and aren’t alone, that can have a powerful impact.

    You can search for local groups at Smart Recovery and the Pathways Institute.

    CBT or Cognitive Behavourial Therapy is one of the most well researched and documented approaches for dealing with depression and anxiety. New evidence has found that it is also effective with addictions.

    It works by changing the way your think and behave. It helps you break down your problem into manageable parts. It habitually introduces you to new behaviors over time and gives you the resources to deal with negative behaviours in your life.

    Find a therapist at the National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists or online tools such as Online Therapy. It will give you structured support and make you accountable for your progress.

12 Step Attitude
Bill of the Big Book
Part 2/2
By A.A.

In continuation of this idea, I would like to share with everyone a series of posts from "Boruch" - who is working the 12-Steps into his life through the groups, where he beautifully explains how the 12-Step program relates to us all, as Yidden. We encourage everyone to read the coming posts carefully, because a deep understanding of how this simple yet brilliant program works can be the most powerful tool you will ever come across to beat this addiction.

Read more
Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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