Do you hate women, too?
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1431  
In Today's Issue
Announcements: Duvid Chaim's Workshop
Image of the Day
Chizuk: Use Things!
Sayings: H.O.P.E.
Daily Dose of Dov: The Difference between Normal People & Addicts
90 Day Journey
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Duvid Chaim's Workshop


Starting this Sunday February 21

12 Noon to 1:00 EST

  • Why can’t I stay sober? Why am I stuck? How do I get unstuck?
  • Get your head out of the sand with tools you can use right now!
  • The Freedom Tool - "THE BFATB ICEBERG"
  • Feelings - Who needs them? What do we do with them?
  • Cause & Effect - Connecting the DOTS.

The 5 part weekly workshop starting this Sunday Feb 21st with Personal Coaching and Chabura Bonding

Limited to FOUR MEN ONLY

Specially priced at $350

for this 5 Session coaching package

plus you will receive an additional 20 minute

private session with Duvid Chaim each week between calls!

Special Bonus:

Session SIX with our

guest speaker Miriam

“Building Real Connections"

For more information, email or call me at 214.446.1819

Image of the Day
Use Things!

Similar sentiment was expressed by a GYE member:

Things are to be Used and people are to be Loved. But the problem in today's world is that, People are Used & Things are Loved.

In this year, let's be careful to keep this thought in mind:

"Things are to be Used,
but People are to be Loved".

HOPE stands for: Hold On, Pain Ends
Daily Dose of Dov
The Difference between Normal People & Addicts
By Dov

The reason a person whose life is being messed up by using porn 'should' stop - is to be a human being, rather than to be 'good' or 'frum'. This is simply because as long as such a person keeps his goal 'to be frum', he is blissfully oblivious the fact that he is not even SANE. He is living a double life, and is being made a total fool of, by his lust...played. And he is worried about not being 'frum'? The level of denial here is the problem. And he is (we are) pretending that Hashem is in the same denial as he is - that "Hashem is just pining for this guy to 'do Teshuvah' and 'finally be a tzaddik'. After all, don't Chaza"l call a guy who is mugdar min ha'arayos a kadosh?" Religiously romantic, yes, but very far from the Emess. Chaza"l do not call a guy who is living a double life 'a kadosh' - even if by coincidence he does not use porn and masturbate. If he is a person who is living a double life, swallowed up by his obsession with to - or not to - use porn/lust/sex-with-self (masturbation), he is just a goofball. It's like eating matzo with all the deep Tamuz. "But I feel so holy eating matzoh with these lofty kavanos for my avodas Hashem!" Puleez. He has the 'Hashem part, but the problem is that it is not even 'avodah' yet. You gotta be a mentch first, Derech Eretz Kodmah laTorah, and there is no other way. But this is not true for normal people, at all.

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Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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