Everything you need to know about TaPHSiC
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1290  
In Today's Issue
Chizuk: TaPHSiC Shiur
Image of the Day
Announcements: Wanted: Administrator for the GYE Spanish Website
Q & A: 71 Reasons Not To Get Involved With Boys
Link of the Day: Web Junkie
Personal Stories: Shmiras Ainayim on the Plane
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TaPHSiC Shiur
A First on GuardYourEyes! A Shiur by Yaakov, founder of GYE (known as "The Guard")
By the.guard

In honor of Parshos Matos which discusses vows, we are proud to present this GAME CHANGING shiur (40 minutes long). Click on the image below to listen.


The shiur goes into all the details of the TaPHSiC method, dispells any doubts about its validity and effectiveness, and expounds on the psychology behind the success of this powerful tool.

Break free of this addiction once and for all!

Destructive nuclear power is unleashed in atomic weapons when their is no "containment" of the nuclear reactions. But nuclear energy can also be harnessed for good. In nuclear reactors, fuel rods are inserted into the reactor's core to absorb and "hold back" the nuclear chain-reaction from continuing. By doing this, they are able to harness the tremendous energy and light up entire cities with electricity!

So what can we do to combat our enemies, which in light of the deal with Iran this week, is more relavant today than ever?

Sexuality is like nuclear power. When left unchecked it can be terribly destructive, but when harnessed correctly it brings joy and life to the world.

The Yetzer Hara wants us to use this potent power in destructive ways. But the TaPHSiC method is like "fuel rods" that help us contain the power of sexuality and harness the tremendous energy for the good.

Through the power of Shmiras Habris, by withholding this potent energy and harnessing it for constructive purposes only, we become vessels for divine bounty (Yesod means "channel"), and we will succeed in containing the designs of our enemies who wish to use nuclear power to destroy us.

In honor of Parshas Matos we encourage everyone to take up the fight and do their part in protecting Klal Yisrael from the great threats that we face, both spiritually and physically. Please take the time to listen to this GAME CHANGING shiur, from beginning to end.

To listen to the shiur online, click here.

To listen to the shiur by phone, dial the playback number below (depending on your location).

After dialing the Playback number, put in this PIN Code: 651874#

Then press reference number 3# to begin the shiur.

You can fast forward or rewind 30 seconds using the number 1 and 2 on the keyboard.
Press 5 to pause and to continue.


Playback Number

United States

(857) 957-1119


(605) 562-3113


+972 (0) 76-599-0069

United Kingdom

+44 (0) 330 606 0519

South Africa

+27 (0) 87 825 0159


+61 (0) 3 8672 0109


+43 (0) 1 2650558


+41 (0) 44 513 30 09


+32 (0) 4 244 10 79


+52 (01) 899 274 8446


+49 (0) 221 98203417


+351 21 005 1192


+45 78 77 25 25


+33 (0) 7 55 50 01 79


+34 931 98 23 89

To read more about the TaPHSiC method online and find a ready-to-use nussach, click here.

Image of the Day
Wanted: Administrator for the GYE Spanish Website


- Fluent in Spanish

- Acquaintance with the GYE site, tools and forums

- Real desire to help our Spanish speaking Jewish brothers

- Good administrative skills

- Tech savvy

- Good writing skills in Spanish

- Available two hours a day (compensation available)

Please e-mail us if you may be interested: help@gye.org.il

Q & A
71 Reasons Not To Get Involved With Boys
Why should I cut off contact with my guy-friends?
By Once-innocent

This was written by a teenage girl who’s “been there done that” and wants to help YOU avoid getting caught up in this mess.

Read more
Link of the Day

Description: "'Web Junkie,' a 2014 film that premieres tonight on the PBS series “POV,” offers a riveting behind-the-scenes look at what China calls the number-one public health threat to its teenage population: Internet addiction."


Disclaimer: While we vetted this site and found it to contain no objectionable imagery, viewer discretion is advised.

Web Junkie
Personal Stories
Shmiras Ainayim on the Plane
By Kosher

This past Thursday, I was flying back home from the "Out-of-town" city I was visiting, and unfortunately the person sitting next to me on the plane was a woman who was obviously not makpid on Rabbi Falk's standard of tznius (she was wearing what some people generously refer to as "summer attire"). It was not practical for me to change my seat, but B"H I managed to keep my eyes where they belonged. The first half of the trip I kept my eyes closed/slept and for the second, I put my sefer by the window and looked out the window/learned.

I credit much of my success to the inspiration picked up from the Oilam on the forum and I want to thank everyone for it.

(Posted in the GYE Forum)

Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email help@pornanonymous.org to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit pornanonymous.org (Hebrew: p-a.org.il / Yiddish: pa-yid.org).

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at dov@guardyoureyes.org to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit www.sa.org.

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Checks can be made out to: "GYE Corp." and mailed to: GYE CORP, 4403 15TH AVE #305, BROOKLYN, NY 11219-1604, USA
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