"Join us on Monday, July 10th and all week for our Launch into the Twelve Steps - Chapter 5 - How it Works"

“90% of the people who attend the Twelve Steps Meetings don't really understand the Twelve Steps!”
Are you part of the 10% or the 90%?!
It's not an exaggeration! I've attended many 12 Step Meetings and I am surprised how few of the attendees really know the accurate or deeper meaning of the Twelve Steps.
Do you know:
How Bill Wilson really wanted to write Step One?
What is the Cause & Effect of Addictive Behavior?
What really is the meaning of Unmanageability?
What is "Sanity"?
What are our "Will and our Lives"?
What's the difference between "Wrongs", "Defects of Character" and "Shortcomings"
What's G-d's Part in Recovery? What is our part?
What "muscles" do we need to exercise to Recover?
Once we're sober, how do we stay sober?
I'm a Frum Jew! What the heck can Bill Wilson teach me about Prayer?
Do I really need a Sponsor? Do I really need a Sponsee?
What really is the GOAL of the 12 Step Program?
Join us on the Monday Noon Call - beginning July 10 - and all week to get answers to all these questions!
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