You're good enough
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1484  
In Today's Issue
Image of the Day
Announcements: GYE Crowdfunding Campaign Launched
Prevention: WD-40 and You
Daily Dose of Dov: The admission price doesn't include 'Figuring it Out'
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GYE Crowdfunding Campaign Launched

A cool 2.5 minute video clip that gets straight to the heart of what we do! For those who (hopefully) can't access youtube, you can view it here.

Dear friends,

In order to help every person in the Jewish world struggling with the pull to inappropriate materials, GuardYourEyes continuously labors to develop cutting-edge innovative solutions that really work, in order to save individuals and families and to fight for the kedusha of the Jewish people.

We recently launched a new project for teens struggling with inappropriate materials. We gave presentations to offer solutions in over 100 schools in Israel and are preparing to expand the teens project to schools and sems in the U.S and throughout the world (including presentations for parents and educators).

We're also launching new apps - the 'GYE Help App' and the 'GYE Connection App', and due to great demand, we're creating new websites in English and Hebrew specially to offer help to spouses that discovered their husbands' are falling-in.

To maintain and expand our efforts we are in dire and urgent need of funding.

With your help, we can change the world!

Please visit our crowdfunding page and PASS THE LINK on to all your contacts on e-mail, Whatsapp, Twitter (and FB if you have, eh-hem).

Here's the link to pass on to your friends: or

Youtube link to pass on:

Every Jew helped through you is an eternal zechus!

WD-40 and You
By Rabbi Yehoshua Berman

$20,000 in 1956 would be worth $175,000 today. That’s the price point at which Norman Larsen – a self-educated chemist with only a high school diploma to his name – sold his newly invented water displacement formula. That is quite a bargain considering the fact that the WD-40 company’s current yearly revenue is tagged at $371,540,000! After just 40 years of existence WD-40 was found to be in 4 out of 5 American households, in use by 81% of professionals, and worldwide sales stood at 1,000,000 cans per week! The WD-40 company proudly showcases an expansive list of more than 2,000 (!) usages of this wonder lubricant; many of which were innovated by enthusiastic patrons. The range is phenomenal: from extracting a burglar trapped in a vent to removing crayon stains from walls, this oily concoction seems to be an almost magical fix-all for an endless host of problems.

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Daily Dose of Dov
The admission price doesn't include 'Figuring it Out'
To someone who was trying to figure out why they were addicted, and why Hashem asks of us to give up lust (after all, what does He have from it?), and how it's possible to 'beat it', etc... Dov writes:
By GYE Corp.

Is it sanity and sobriety that you are striving for, or is it 'understanding' that you feel you need? What would satisfy you, really?

Do you think that sobriety without understanding "why" will make you look like a fool? Well, why is it important to you not to be/look like a fool? I'm an idiot, and I'm still sober and living the good life, which is why I am posting to you, at all.

It is clear to me that when we are done figuring stuff out, we remain fools anyway.

Besides the fact, that after figuring it all out and getting all the "power" to do right, all it'd take for me to make a complete a** out of myself and screw my life up, is a woman who is 'attractive enough' to walk by me at the wrong moment. Or a lust fantasy to just pop out of nowhere, perhaps... (Nu, but maybe everyone else is better and stronger than me).

As for me, b"H, somewhere along the way early on, I gave up on getting the brains to win and on figuring myself out so that "I" could finally beat this thing. I really don't beat it at all - Hashem takes care of me when I reach out for help and follow instructions for my own good. And any idiot can do it (trust me, I know plenty who are! :-)

Perhaps you are trying to figure stuff out so that Hashem can finally save you? But does He really demand that admission price? If you believe that, I'd like to know why. I'm really just curious. (Promise).

My own experience tells me that He's a much cheaper date than that, really.... maybe that's why Jews Love Him so much! (a joke, a joke...)

You know (by now) that I am skeptical of the value of any philosophical endeavor around something so primevally and viscerally powerful as lust is in my life. I'm an addict. I have never met a sober guy who was still obsessed with figuring things like that out. Addicts in recovery are generally too busy with living to discuss philosophy over-much. And the poor fellas who twist the steps into just more 'self-help' material to "smarten up" with, just sit there wondering why they can't get control of things - while their lives schlep by... I've seen it a hundred times, at least.

So you may be the first. May it be so. Let me know. And now, off I go!

Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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To donate by phone, call (24 hours): 718-878-3075
Checks can be made out to: "GYE Corp." and mailed to: GYE CORP, 4403 15TH AVE #305, BROOKLYN, NY 11219-1604, USA
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