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Men's Partner/Mentor Program

Spaced's Profile

Listing Options
He is looking For a PartnerFor a Mentor
  Contact Info   
Region South America
Contact preferences Whatsapp
Correspondance Frequency Wants to be in touch on a daily basis
Languages English
  Personal Info  
Age 31
Marital status Single
Background Sephardic
Children -
Religious from birth No, only 6 year(s)
Additional info I tried to stop many times and was unsuccesful staying stopped
Story I'm a ger tzedek but not quite a tzadik. I have long struggled with porn addiction and same sex attraction. I thought that conversion will not only bring me closer to Hashem and Am Yisrael, but also lessen my tendencies for illicit pleasure. Alas, my yetzer hara has even grown stronger. However, as I told the bet din during my giyyur, I accept all the mitzvot bar none. Hence I won't quit the fight. I have fallen thousands of times and gotten up the same number of times, but I am not contented. I have a dream, a tough one: that of becoming a tzaddik with kids and grandkids who will help bring about the geulah. I have joined GYE a while back, joined a live SA group (we don't meet anymore due to the virus), read Torah and mussar, etc. But I know I should do more. I have even contemplated suicide before, but now I've kinda accepted that this is my avodah, to show the world that a convert can and will keep even the hardest mitzvot of shmirat habrit and einayim.

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