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Men's Partner/Mentor Program

Maxbli's Profile

Listing Options
He is looking For a PartnerFor a Mentor
  Contact Info   
Region North America
Contact preferences Email
Correspondance Frequency Wants to be in touch once in a while
Languages English
  Personal Info  
Age 27
Marital status Married
Background Yeshivish
Children 2
Religious from birth Yes
Additional info I tried to stop many times and was unsuccesful staying stopped
Story I am a yungerman living in Lakewood. I learned in regular good yeshivos and am considered a talented intellegent person to most. I grew up out of town and am therefore exposed to and understand secular culture more so than your average lakewood resident. I grew up in a sheltered klei kodesh home. Ever since puberty I've been extremely weak in the inyan of shmiras einayim constantly being exposed to and actively thinking about and seeking innapropriate material . As I got older things got as bad as chat lines and more recently a couple visits to massage parlors. I realize things aren't going to change by themselves and this a step I'm taking towards recovery. I have not been clean for 90 days. I'm also not sure if I'm looking for a mentor or partner.

Connect with Maxbli

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