I am trained in helping people overcome deep-rooted emotional issues related to gender wholeness and gender identity. For many, this enables a lack of confidence, co-dependency, addiction, and other challenges related self-esteem and in creating relationships with others. For some, this also results in unwanted same-sex attractions. I have acquired extensive training in treating these conflicts through my Graduate School training to become a Licensed Clinical Therapist, staffing experiential healing weekends, leading psychodrama, and learning effective psychodynamic techniques that enable a person to discover and uproot the underlying core issues and replace them with something more fulfilling. I also have a range of tools taught to me by my college education in Psychology and my training in being a Life Coach.
I have 9+ years of helping Orthodox Jewish men overcome issues relating to gender identity, SSA, and addiction through organizations that specialize in these issuess. I have led processes in many healing groups and continue to educate the Orthodox Jewish community about the importance of gender wholeness and life fulfillment.
As your counselor, I don't only help you figure out practical ways to combat an issue currently at hand, but I also encourage you to dig deeper, and feel emotions that need to be expressed. This is done by giving a chance for your inner-core, or as some call it, your inner-child, to express his or her self. By listening to its voice, you can take positive steps toward a more wholesome life. This comprehensive way of healing enables one to not only experience a change in current behavior, but also experience authentic inner change that, with time, can lead to full transformation.
This process also applies to men looking to move past unwanted same-sex attractions. Often, in discovering a greater sense of wholeness, men are able to experience an effective decrease in same-sex attractions and a noticeable increase in opposite-sex attractions. For many, this type of change makes it easier to live more in sync with one's goals, values, and dreams.
Overall, the objective is to live more fulfilled, both in action and in feeling.