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Partner Program Overview

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Men's Partner/Mentor Program

Pvibes's Profile

Listing Options
He is looking For a PartnerTo be a mentor
  Contact Info   
Region North America
Contact preferences Email, Whatsapp
Correspondance Frequency Wants to be in touch on a daily basis
Languages English
  Personal Info  
Age 24
Marital status Married
Background Heimish
Children -
Religious from birth Yes
Additional info I have managed to stop on my own - and I am clean for a long while
Approach to recovery Don't be scared to have an urge. The best way to minimize the strength of an urge is by feeling and experiencing the urge, like the "urge surfing" technique suggested in F2F. Sometimes the feeling of having an urge itself can cause stress or lack of self-esteem. We might ask ourselves "Why am I such a horrible person that I am experiencing such horrible thoughts?". But the truth is, that we don't need to shame ourselves. Guilt is only going to dig us into an even deeper hole. What I like to focus on is not feeling guilt or shame for simply having an urge, and learning how to sit with the urge, thereby allowing it to subside and weaken as a result. I think breathing techniques can be immensely helpful for this. Wim Hof has some incredible 10-minute videos with remarkable breathing exercises that can really help calm the mind. There are many other useful tools out there as well, but breathing is free and we all do it anyway, so it's a good place to start!

Connect with Pvibes

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