The GPS of Life
In Today's Issue
Audio of the Day
Yichud with Internet?
Q & A
The GPS of Life
Video of the Day
Corona Near-Death-Experience
Link of the Day
Urge Management Techniques

Audio of the Day

Yichud with Internet?


Rav Yaakov Hillel explains why we should use software like or to protect ourselves. These programs send a report of any bad sites we visit to a friend that we choose.


Q & A

The GPS of Life By Yaakov from GYE

Question from a GYE member:

I have a philosophical question. I've been struggling with shmiras ainayim and shmiras habris for many years now, and I have so many different struggles in my life.

I don't really complain though, because I believe that a lot of it is because of my sins in this matter. Of course, it's impossible to know Hashem's plans, but I'm really really curious what you think about Reward and Punishment.

Basically, if I continue in this sin, will Hashem continue to punish me with these difficulties?

Or if I improve, will Hashem bless me with good things (finding a wife, an improvement on my health, less stress) and take away the difficulties?

Reply from GYE:

The Torah is pretty clear about the way things work in this world. We all need to get to a certain destination. If we follow the GPS's directions carefully, we'll get there in the straight and easy way. But if we keep deciding to make detours by doing what we think is in our best interest, the GPS will reroute us again and again through difficult terrain. This takes much longer and is much more uncomfortable.

The Torah is G-d's GPS for man. If we accept the uncomfortable feelings of turning away from bad things and let go of the need to "control" and take care of ourselves, and instead we follow G-d's directions and trust that He is taking care of us, then we fix ourselves much quicker in the sweet ways of the Torah. Otherwise, we will get to the destination in a much more difficult way, through all sorts of trials and tribulations.

Now obviously we don't always see this clearly. If we did, we wouldn't have free choice. But this is how it works in the big picture, both on a personal level and for all the Jewish people as a whole.


It's not a question of is Hashem nice or mean, it's just that He created the world in this way. We all have to get there at the end. Hashem begs us to "Choose Life". But at the end of the day, we need to make the right choices.

For a short audio boost message on this topic, click here.


Video of the Day

To escape our bad habits, we need to learn how to focus outward and do more for others, so we can we saved from the inward-focus that has turned us into slaves of our desires.

Corona Near-Death-Experience


In this powerful video clip, Mr. Moe Garson of Golders Green describes how doctors gave up hope on him, how he was judged in Heaven and miraculously recovered. He learned that the most important thing in Shamayim in a person's judgement is what he does for others.

To view on Googledrive click here. Download and pass it on to your friends and family to help boost Emunah in these trying times!

Urge Management Techniques

altNo matter what program you use to quit, it will always include techniques for dealing with urges. This thread on our forum covers all the evidence-based methods of dealing with urges.

If you master techniques for dealing with urges, you'll be able to stay clean even if there's nothing external that is stopping you. If you're serious about recovery, try to learn about all these techniques, and pick the ones you think will work best for you (and add them to your plan). Then, with trial and error, you'll find out if those techniques really work for you or if you should try other ones. You can also switch your techniques from time to time to keep things interesting...

Link of the Day

Joke of the day

GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380 Pikesville,
 MD 21282 U.S.A.