Letters of Gratitude to GYE
  Breaking free chizuk #1334  
In Today's Issue
Editor’s Note: This program works! Yes, it does.
Announcements: Matching Donor Campaign
Personal Stories: My Life Has Completely Changed
Rabbi Twerski: A Heartfelt thank you!
Testimonials: A Few Beautiful Pre-Rosh Hashana Testimonials
Torah: I Ran Into the Sukkah
Testimonials: A string of gratitude
90 Day Journey
Click below to update your 90 day chart
Still Clean Had a fall
Haven't begun the 90 day journey yet? Click here to join.
Editor’s Note
This program works! Yes, it does.

As an inspiration for your Yom Kippur resolutions and for your generous pre-Yom Kippur support, we bring you these testimonials from our recent members, who, like D. S., could never believe that breaking free was possible.

D. S. wrote just this morning: "Unfortunately, I was hooked for several years, watching ... films and clips with images that a jewish person should not have in their head. After watching them, I would replay them in my mind in bed at night...

I thought it was never ending! Fortunately, after reading many many stories and info on this topic on your website I decided that I, too, can quit! 

So one Sunday morning, I woke up and said, "From this day forth, I will not do what I was doing again, I won't be michsal with these images in my head!"

That's night was easy, but that week was hard, then harder, and then nearly impossible... 

But as the weeks went by, motivating myself towards the next week I have managed till now with keeping count. Yesterday, on Sunday, I hit a whopping 18 Weeks!  

18 is gematria of ' חי - Life '

Which I found quite fitting for the week of עשרת ימי תשובה which is a week of deciding life and death."

Dear friend!

You, too, can be free from this obsession. Man and woman alike, our struggles can and will come to an end, with G-d's Help and by using the GYE tools.

If you havent't already, please send us a once-a-year modest donation to help us continue our work. We provide all our services free of charge, but they are not free to us. We rely on our annual fundraising campaign for uninterrupted flow of services to you, our reader. Please consider your participation.  

The Guard Your Eyes Team


Matching Donor Campaign

Every Dollar Matched for the Next 24 Hours - until Yom Kippur!

Double Your Merit Before the Day of Atonement!

Dear Members,

As you know, we are currently running our annual High-Holiday campaign with a goal of reaching $200,000 to extend, advertise, and maintain our operations, in order to help tens of thousands more return to purity and kedusha.

We are still FAR from reaching our goal, but a few generous supporters have agreed to MATCH every donation we get until Yom Kippur! That means for every dollar you donate we will get two!

We would appreciate very much if you could make a special effort to help at this time. It would make a tremendous difference and you would DOUBLE the return on your zedaka money AND your merit!

B"H we have done so much this year for individuals and for Klal Yisrael. And with your help we can do SO MUCH MORE in the coming year.

PLEASE HELP the only organization fighting the battle of Kedusha on all fronts and share in the zechus of the Teshuva of thousands of Yidden!

  • HOW does Guard Your Eyes help thousands break free?
  • WHAT are the gedolim & experts saying about Guard Your Eyes?
  • WHY donate to Guard Your Eyes when there are so many worthy organizations?
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May you have a sweet new year of success and growth in both ruchniyus & gashmiyus!

Most gratefully,

Yaakov & Yechezkel

Personal Stories
My Life Has Completely Changed
By Anonymous

Dear GYE administrators,

I have no words to express my thanks and gratitude towards what you are doing here; you saved my life. Not only my life, but the lives of my children and grandchildren as well, you saved my generations. How would my children grow up with such a father? To a certain degree they were like lebedige yesomim (living orphans). My life prior to joining GYE has been one long streak of hell, completely messed up. I was totally locked into my next fix and didn’t care about anything. Now, in recovery for the last 150 days, my whole life has changed, my house has changed, B’ruchnius U’begashmiyus, and the whole atmosphere is totally different.

After keeping a long streak of 101 days clean, I started falling again. So for the first time, I decided to join one of the live phone conferences and I felt the immediate and massive impact on me. The 90 day chart, the TaPHSiC method and reading the hand book over and over again were all helpful, but NOTHING compares to the live phone conferences, which are like 'coaching' where you get trained how to implement the 12 steps L'maaseh'.

Since I’m on the path to recovery, my wife tells me all the time that she feels like she got a new husband; it’s the first time in years that I care about her and our children. I started learning and Davening three times a day, I even joined the Daf Hayomi for the first time in my life and finished Mesechtes Broches!!! It’s the first time since my Yeshivish years (some 16 years ago) that I did a Siyum on a mesechte. Can anyone imagine my joy, the spiritual satisfaction, the Simchas hatoroh I have?

Although I still have a long way to go to full recovery, I finally feel that I am on the Derech Hamelech, I’m heading up the Hill. Until I discovered this wonderful site I was heading down; down the drain…

There are many Kiruv organizations today B”H, but no other organization is being mekarev FRUM Yidden who have lost their way.

Rabbi Twerski
A Heartfelt thank you!
By Twerski, Rabbi Dr. Avraham
I referred a woman to the website. Here's her response:
"Thank you for being available and helping me out when I thought I’d never smile again. The website is huge. My husband and I are totally using it. Thanks for your swift replies and for devoting your life to helping people. Only Hashem rewards that."
A Few Beautiful Pre-Rosh Hashana Testimonials
I Ran Into the Sukkah
By Moshe ben Avraham

Last night was very, very tough. My wife had to go out shopping, which would have been a great time for me to act out previously. I won't say I wasn't tempted, but I looked at my personal printout of my 90 day chart and that helped a bit. Still the Y"H kept tempting me, so I literally ran into the Sukkah (even though it was raining) and sat there studying Mishna Sukkah until my wife came home. I can't say I completely lost all desire to act out, but it certainly worked for me this time. I think that yesterday's chizuk e-mail was on the spot when it talked about how useful the physicality of the Sukkah and arbah minim is so vital after the spiritual high of Yom Kippur.

I'm now getting a little worried about the lack of chagim coming up, as I find it really useful to have them to focus on. Maybe I'll start my Pesach preparations really, really early!

A string of gratitude
Compilation of one-liner "thank-you" notes we've received in recent years

I want to thank you, this website is a life-saver for my husband, and, I think, it will be for me also.

Ima Gobbora

I hit bottom from bottom, and I would probably be dead by now if it hadn't been for GYE. Thank you again and again.


Shkoyach for all your efforts. You are changing countless lives.


Just wanted to thank you again for pulling me out of the deep hole and bringing me to the happy place where I am today. You saved my life, and for this I have no words!!!


Keep up the good work. Ain anachnu maspikim L'hodos lecha for the incredible work that you do.

Steve F.

I have benefitted professionally and personally from your daily emails, for over 17 months. Almost as soon as I started receiving them, I stopped looking at porn sites and the like.


One of the aspects I like about you guys is that nobody judges me for the Kippah I wear! We are here to fight the same hideous yetzer. For some people, it’s easier to get than others, but we are all exposed to it, whether we live in Meah Shearim or somewhere else - like me.

Paul W.

I am 21-y-old student who has been suffering from a porn addiction for the past few years. I reached out to my Rav, and he said that your website would be helpful. I have checked it out, and it is amazing!


Thank you so much for what you are doing. My life has been changed since I discovered your site and began utilizing the many resources you have available.

Searching Jew

Someone told me about your site at the end of September, and I've been clean since the first day I found the site! It’s now the second week in February! I flew by the 90 days. I felt holy and pure and happier than ever! The site is a miracle-thank you!


I grew up very open minded, but now that I am in this parsha with my husband and see that there are MANY wonderful Yidden who are faced with this unbelievable challenge, it is indescribable what a tremendous thing you are doing to save the klal.
You should be gebenched with tremendous nachas and gezuint.

A wife

I am a married man and a graduate of YU, who davens with a minyan 3 times a day and considers himself a frum person. I think that these emails are extremely helpful - especially since I work in NYC. Thank you for everything.


Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email help@pornanonymous.org to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit pornanonymous.org (Hebrew: p-a.org.il / Yiddish: pa-yid.org).

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at dov@guardyoureyes.org to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit www.sa.org.

Please help us continue helping others!
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(Anonymous recurring credit card donations possible)
To donate by phone, call (24 hours): 718-878-3075
Checks can be made out to: "GYE Corp." and mailed to: GYE CORP, 4403 15TH AVE #305, BROOKLYN, NY 11219-1604, USA
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