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Going to do this
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: Going to do this 4667 Views

Re: Going to do this 31 May 2020 04:38 #350567

  • Hashem Help Me
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26 is gematria of Hashem's name. You are being mekadesh shem shomayim. Continued hatzlocha b'ezras Hashem.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

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Re: Going to do this 01 Jun 2020 03:41 #350607

  • yosef10
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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Keep up the great work, just make to sure to also celebrate your accomplishments (in a healthy way of course). This isn't just a show... It's a new you that you've worked for... Bring out the expensive stuff and go party (metephorically) 
"Sometimes the only Bechira we have is to ask for help"

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Re: Going to do this 02 Jun 2020 05:35 #350650

  • Meyer M.
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Day 27: Clean

Day 28: Clean

tbh my mind has been wandering to my girlfriend that I love, would this be considered healthy or is it something to be worked on as well? I think its healthy and desires are part of life but maybe im wrong? 
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake
Last Edit: 02 Jun 2020 05:36 by Meyer M..

Re: Going to do this 02 Jun 2020 13:30 #350653

  • yosef10
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I'm no bakee, but o recall hearing from an addict quoting the big book that they had no control over lust. It's great you love your girlfriend, and I'm sure it's good to think about and be concerned about her... Just make sure it's not lust, if it is then it's the exact thing on the screen your staying away from, don't say because she's real it's ok... Don't indulge yourself. 

If nkt, then I rthink it would be fine, but only you can make that distinction. 
"Sometimes the only Bechira we have is to ask for help"

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Re: Going to do this 03 Jun 2020 03:39 #350692

  • Meyer M.
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Day 29: Clean, Hang on folks we are almost at one month!
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake

Re: Going to do this 03 Jun 2020 18:41 #350717

  • givemechizzuk
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absolutely incredible!
keep it up!
yesod ha'chassidus ve'shoresh ho'avodah...

find your duty... make it real!!!!...  make your goals...  set your sights...  and work for it!!!!!
reach out at sbthe.ace@gmail.com I'm always willing to talk

Re: Going to do this 04 Jun 2020 12:22 #350756

  • Meyer M.
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Day 30: Clean!

Ok, quick recap of my last two months on GYE

Began on GYE: Had SSA thoughts. Lust was commonplace. Porn sites were a daily activity. Discharged 3-4 times a day

End of Month 1: SSA gone down. Lust still prevalent but not as bad.

End of Month 2: SSA virtually gone. Lust still there but fading

In General: Discharges are down to once a month (by average). No longer am tired all the time (except when I go to sleep late), Strength has returned. Learned to walk looking down if I can't simply ignore and look away from a women. Am able to make rational calm decisions that have helped me. Needless to say porn sites are out the window.
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake
Last Edit: 05 Jun 2020 03:15 by Meyer M..

Re: Going to do this 04 Jun 2020 12:45 #350759

  • Hashem Help Me
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Keep it up and keep sharing. Newcomers to the site need to see it is possible!
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Going to do this 04 Jun 2020 14:24 #350764

  • starting
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Now can you share your secrets? How on earth did you manage that so quickly??
The start of 'STARting' is 'star'. Just start and you're a star!!

'the cleaner I stay, the cleaner I stay' - AlexEliezer
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Re: Going to do this 05 Jun 2020 01:59 #350804

  • yosef10
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starting wrote on 04 Jun 2020 14:24:

Now can you share your secrets? How on earth did you manage that so quickly??

I'll have what he's having. 
"Sometimes the only Bechira we have is to ask for help"

Maybe you can gain something by following my journey... Or not, whatever works
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Re: Going to do this 05 Jun 2020 03:31 #350811

  • Meyer M.
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Day 31: Clean. 

I don’t think there’s any secrets here, everything I did is said in every shiur on these topics. The few key things that need you need have to do it though are willpower, restraint, and the actual desire to get out of this hole.

Listening to shiurim helps, training yourself to walk looking down (or in the very least look into the distance and ignore whatever is enticing you). Being busy is critical to avoid down periods where you can lose yourself (come onto GYE during those periods). Learning is a lifesaver. 

From my view as a non-married working individual. Some days it’s not possible to learn or to listen to a shiur, when you’re driving a car you can’t look down and away from sights. You will be down at some point or later. It’s simply fighting the fight and not giving in. I will say Rabbbi Shafier’s lecture (The Fight @ https://theshmuz.com/series/the-fight/  ) is a fundamental tool in this fight and is highly recommended, some books that were recommended to me by a rav go very deep into this topic and I wouldn’t read them without a rav’s say so. Other than that, idk, no secrets here
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake

Re: Going to do this 05 Jun 2020 13:56 #350842

  • davidt
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Meyer M. wrote on 05 Jun 2020 03:31:
Day 31: Clean. 

I don’t think there’s any secrets here, everything I did is said in every shiur on these topics. The few key things that need you need have to do it though are willpower, restraint, and the actual desire to get out of this hole.

Mayer , you're a true inspiration! Keep it up...

If I may add one very important point:
The Talmud, tells us that a person's yezter hara (evil inclination) grows stronger and renews itself every day. And without Hashem’s help, we are powerless to overcome it. (Kidushin 30b)

Will power alone is often not sufficient when dealing with these  addictive behaviors. Not only that, but lust is so powerful that even the greatest Tzadikim who feared Hashem with all their hearts, sometimes felt powerless when faced head-on with lust. See what happened with Masya ben Charash and Rav Amram, Rabban Shel Chassidim. In both these cases, these great Tzadikim had to take extreme measures to ensure they didn’t stumble.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: Going to do this 05 Jun 2020 14:06 #350844

  • yosef10
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DavidT wrote on 05 Jun 2020 13:56:

Meyer M. wrote on 05 Jun 2020 03:31:
Day 31: Clean. 

I don’t think there’s any secrets here, everything I did is said in every shiur on these topics. The few key things that need you need have to do it though are willpower, restraint, and the actual desire to get out of this hole.

Mayer , you're a true inspiration! Keep it up...

If I may add one very important point:
The Talmud, tells us that a person's yezter hara (evil inclination) grows stronger and renews itself every day. And without Hashem’s help, we are powerless to overcome it. (Kidushin 30b)

Will power alone is often not sufficient when dealing with these  addictive behaviors. Not only that, but lust is so powerful that even the greatest Tzadikim who feared Hashem with all their hearts, sometimes felt powerless when faced head-on with lust. See what happened with Masya ben Charash and Rav Amram, Rabban Shel Chassidim. In both these cases, these great Tzadikim had to take extreme measures to ensure they didn’t stumble.

100% agree. You always have to try to keep up with your doing. Even its it's too difficult. Do t get confident. We always have to know and understand that no matter at what point were at in the struggle, and whether it's eisoer at that time or not... We are always succeptable to another fall, there's always a part of us that still wants it. So you can never be too careful even after your well deserved success. 

So so keep your head up high, pat yourself on the back, and keep up the great work. 

Habe be a great Shabbos!,!!
"Sometimes the only Bechira we have is to ask for help"

Maybe you can gain something by following my journey... Or not, whatever works
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Re: Going to do this 07 Jun 2020 04:35 #350872

  • Meyer M.
  • Gold Boarder
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Day 32 (friday): Clean

Day 33 (shabbos): Clean

100% agree with all the responses, yasher koach and lets keep moving!
Your best teacher for success is your last mistake

Re: Going to do this 07 Jun 2020 04:42 #350874

  • Singularity
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Keep it up!

From personal experience I know that my SSA comes back to bite me when I least expect it. 
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his sobriety level?"
"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

One day... At A Time :-D

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