It is geshmak. But I'd like to go one step further.
I sit in a room of addicts, hold the hand of the man next to me who might be roman catholic, jewish, nothing, democrat
, mormon, a gentile married to a jewess, whatever...and I ask Hashem to keep
us sober so that this world can be a better place for more lonely addicts out there to find a way out of living hell, no matter who they are. We in the room all agree on that, no matter what. It is a simple pleasure for me that cannot be described too easily.
And I carried that gift with me here to GYE.
only reason in the world that I make a fuss about the fake name thing is because I want for these GYE people here all the good I found in the recovery rooms - we brought our real
faces there and it made it real. I understand the problem for the poor guy named "chuna-feitel"...maybe...but just see all the resistance to writing a simple "Chaim", "Michoel", or "Yossi". Gevalt. To save pennies of fear, they sell off gold dinars worth of realness.
Enough - you brought it up, not me. And I have been very calm about it for a good while. I'll take a valium and come back later.
- 8)