Shulem tayre Yidden,
there is an adage: Experience is a good teacher but she sends in terrific bills. On day 61 I had a fall :'(. Today is day one.

I did listen to my addiction and did not make a new taphsik shvuo because I thought that I do not need it anymore and now I know that I need it. Today I made the new and longer shvuo. But 60 days is amazing and it is very well possible just, I felt too strong and so I was forced to admit my weakness. Thank you for your chizuk, keep going, GYE chevre.
Last week I read a very important message in the book "real power" by Dr. Dovid Lieberman.
Reality cannot be shattered it is just an image that may be destroyed. So I admit that I have a long way, and a lot of potential to work on, yes. Every day counts.
By the way I am still looking for an accountability partner, someone interested, please pm me.
Have a wonderful day.