Wow, thanks for really reading through my comment and thinking it through. The points you bring up can really help us here. I think there is a lot of truth to what you are saying and I am by no means anything close to an expert in this arena. Lets discuss the idea that my being cross addicted evidences that there is something more to my disease and that something is lack of control. And further that addicts also in the final analysis control themselves, because of the fear of negative consequences. Firstly, I would offer that many and probably most addicts are not cross addicted and definitely not to the extent that I am. I should also mention that I am compulsive over-eater. Also note that concerning my addictions the gambling and lust progressed and were much more invasive and devastating than the others. Allow me to jump thoughts for a second, because an important distinction of an addict is coming to mind. To an addict, as far as my understanding goes, the addiction is the solution and not the problem. That seems to be a very consistent feature of addiction. We need to think about that a lot. That implies something fundamentally awry with the mind of an addict. Back to me for a second, I most likely have a compulsivity disorder that contributes to my addictive pattern, so that may make me different in some ways than a many addicts, but I don't think that's the defining point of my addiction. In fact my compulsivity has beneficial aspects to it as well and can show a positive side of competitiveness, thoroughness, determination and endurance. Which brings me back to the issue of control, addicts have extreme amounts of will power and control; some more than others. I think I heard an explanation of that in the seminar tapes of Bill S; which you should definitely listen to. I can tell that I have the ability to maintain huge amounts of self control when I set my mind to something. I have won weight loss competitions, I'm an Ironman finisher, I have advanced degrees, I can do fasting regimens etc etc. Even in my addictions I employ a lot of self control. I plan, I have patience, I manipulate, I lie, cover up, hide and live a double life. I'm an expert at escape artistry and getting myself out of trouble. I think most addicts have way more control than many non-addicts. Bill S., I think says, that regular people think addicts lack control, and we can add as you say lack the same motives for control, but that's because they assume we want to stop. What they don't know is that, we DO want to do the additive behavior and we don't want to stop. To be frank we want to masturbate, fantasize and lust. The reason we want to masturbate is simple, it is the solution to our problems. And there in lies the insanity of the addict. Bill S. continues that, If people understood this and they knew the amount control and determination and the lengths we are willing to go to for our addiction, they would be in awe. The thought that we stop out of fear is missing something in the essential approach and point of view. And point of view is huge in addiction. We at a certain point are not willing to go to any further lengths or we don't have the stamina or endurance to continue. We basically at some point admit defeat and just can't do it anymore. We still want to do it though. There is no such thing as rock bottom. I go to hear many addicts tell there story. I go at least once a week to a speaker meeting of AA and also hear countess stories in meetings. The one thing that is clear, is there is no objective test of rock bottom. For many many addicts rock bottom is death. The only definition of rock bottom is subjective and it is when you are too tired to keep digging and admit defeat. Rock bottom is when I say I am powerless over lust and my life is unmanageable. That is hard thing for many addicts to admit, because they do a lot of control and will power and they think they can manage their addiction. They have to think they can manage it, because we can't imagine life without it.
I tried to stop my lust addiction for years. I considered myself an erlicher yeshiva bachur. I wanted to spend my life in service of klal yisroel. I could never stop lusting no matter how hard I tried. Not that I even close to a free walk and I'm sure I can fail at any moment, I have never gone this long (except Israel year) without acting out and I will say that I have a daily reprieve from this obsession. I'm new and it does crop up, but I have to say the obsession is gone. I do not have to exercise control over not masturbating on a daily basis. I don't test that out; I'm not a fool, but lust is no longer the solution that I choose engage in to fill the void within me. To be honest working this program and being of service to others is filling that void right now. And God has removed the obsession. It's amazing and I'm so glad you gave the impetus to think this through. I can say with conviction that I did not do anything or have to exercise any control to be free on a daily basis of the obsession to lust. Let me just clarify that a bit, for myself. I mean I didn't have to fight lust. What did do was admit i was powerless over lust and that lust could no longer be the solution to my inner turmoil. I accepted the 12 steps of AA/SA as the solution and I started working that in earnest.
I used to be willing to go to any lengths to pursue my previous solutions to my problem. Among those solutions was lust. I would lie to my wife, to my family, to my friends to Hashem and to myself. I would spend money I didn't have. I would devote time that should have been devoted elsewhere; like to my wife, my kids, my community and my work. The list of the steps I would take to get what I wanted contained way more than 12 and they weren't simple.
Now I am willing to go to any lengths to pursue a solution that will make me happy, joyous and free. That solution only has 12 steps and they are simple.
I think it's important to add that part of the insanity and the progression is that, we lust because it is the solution to our problems. And we continue to lust as the solution to our problems, even though lust has become the source of our problems. We engage in the problem as the solution. -Again - we engage in the problem as the solution. Normal people don't do that. A normal person will say "you are crazy. How the heck can you do that again. Didn't you learn your listen already. That poor guy, he'll never learn." Maybe you don't do that, I don't know only you do
. I will say that nearly getting arrested twice and enduring extreme amounts of pain anguish and suffering to myself and to my family did not stop me from acting out for more than 2 weeks. 2 weeks max I was back at it. So there is no bottom for me. The bottom is jail or death. I know many people that lost their wives, family and jobs and are still unwilling to give themselves over to the simple program and SA and cannot stop. And that is despite a sincere desire and strong effort to stop including going to all kinds of therapists. I mean look, if your wife found out what you were doing, would it damage your marriage? If your kids found out, what would it do to them? If the answer is it would destroy them, then you are willing to go to any lengths to lust, even destroy your children and your marriage. Maybe that's not you, I don't know. I know that it's me.
Hatzlacha, and really than you from the bottom of my heart for this.