Drunk All Year Round
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day
Drunk All Year Round!
Image of the Day
Seeking the Light in the Darkness
Link of the Day
Jokes for Your Purim Se'udah

Video of the Day

Special Purim Boost!

Drunk All Year Round!


Why did the Nevi'im remove their clothes when prophesizing?

If your filter blocks this, you can use this link to google drive.

See this article about the power of Teffilah on Purim.


Image of the Day



Seeking the Light in the Darkness
I heard some tremendous Chizuk from Rabbi Efriam Wachsman in a shiur titled "Megilas Esther: Discovering the Depths of Our Neshomos":

The Rizhiner explains that in one way, Purim is greater than Yom Kipur (Yom Ki- Purim. A day that is only "like" Purim, but not as great).

Yom Kippur atones for the Shavim (Those who return - i.e. repent), while Purim atones for the Shavim and the Aino Shavim (those who return and those who do not return).

What does it mean that Purim atones for the Aino Shavim, those who do not return?

The Rizhiner explains that Purim is a holy day for those who repent but yet continue to fall. They are labeled "Aino Shavim" because they continually have to face their struggle. Purim is all about seeing the light in an atmosphere of total darkness. It is about seeking out Hashem even if we feel we are in total darkness and may be feeling ashamed or low. Hashem says "Anochi Hastir Astir Panai ("I will utterly hide my face from you"), yet in that same pasuk is the remez (hint) to Esther , our salvation. Hashem rejoices when we reach out to him, and when we rejoice in our effort to seek Hashem out.

GYE is about seeking out the light in the dark world around us. It is about confronting struggles that have plagued us for years. We may have continued to fall many times, yet we - as a family - are seeking out the light to overcome our addictions. We are finding Hashem in the darkness. That is the true holy essence of Purim, and that is why Purim is the happiest day of the year.

May we all tap into the holy day of Purim. May we all find Hashem in the darkness. May we all have extra Siatah Dishmayah to overcome our illness and may we all rejoice in re-discovering ourselves.

A Freylicha Purim!

(Note: In general, Rabbi Wachsman's shiurim often give chizuk to those who struggle with the Yetzer Harrah.To hear his Shiurim, call the Yeshiva at 845-426-3488. There is an extension for the tape and CD library.)

Jokes for Your Purim Se'udah

Print out some the humor from the " GYE Chill-Spot ": Over 100 pages of hilarious jokes, funny lines, and Rolling-On-The-Floor-Humor!!

Someone recently wrote on that thread:

When i first found this thread I was laughing my head off, if a thought of lust entered my head i pushed it out without any effort since i was in such a "high" from the jokes, i realized then that i probably fall due to escaping feelings of sadness, that's when i realized that if i can labor to gain a happy mind with accomplishing good things (like the good old days) it might be a cure to my lusting, and you know what, on days that my mood is good and appy and i feel accomplished, i have a hope to saying no to the lust!

Rabbi Neuberger Shlita in his great Artscroll english sefer, Positive vision,writes something to that effect that when we are sad we tend to look for forbidden pleasures as an escape. And that explained something written in Chasidishe seforim which i never understood, that when one is bi'atzvus, that strengthens the forces of impurity on oneself , and i thought it was always a kabalistic idea which one can't understand, but after reading Positive Vision, i realized that its just a natural human instinct for a person to run to impurity thinking that this will save himself from the depressing thoughts, and sometimes it does dispel the thoughts of sadness, but Oy! the hangover afterwards...

Link of the Day

Joke of the day

GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380 Pikesville,
 MD 21282 U.S.A.