Broken Bonds of Trust
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day
The Yetzer Hara's Playbook
Q & A
The False Allure of Infidelity
Image of the Day
Audio of the Day
When you caught your husband looking at shmutz

Video of the Day

The Yetzer Hara's Playbook


What was one of the biggest upsets in Football history?


Q & A

For the full article, click here.

The False Allure of Infidelity
Part 1/3
By Yaakov from GYE

A GYE User wrote:

I feel that I’ve been numbed by watching so much garbage to the concept of infidelity, which seems so thrilling etc. I'm very disturbed by this, because even if I can stop watching vids, the allure remains. I’m not dating yet, but I really want to try changing this mindset before marriage.

Dear user,

Shlomo Hamelech says in Mishlei (9 17): מַיִם גְּנוּבִים יִמְתָּקוּ וְלֶחֶם סְתָרִים יִנְעָם - "Stolen waters are sweet, and hidden bread is pleasing". Rav Avigdor Miller, ztz“l, explains the reason for the sweetness – because it’s not yours. When a glass of that glistening, sparkling water is handed to you and is honestly yours, suddenly the magic is gone and it’s quite tasteless. Much of the allur is simply because it is forbidden.

Having dealt with hundreds of people on GYE, I have seen that even men who married the most attractive woman of their dreams, still feel compelled by the insanity of lust to seek more and more "stolen waters" to fill the bottomless cup of the Yetzer Hara's cravings.

Rav Dessler says that the vast majority of lust is the desire to have that which is not ours. We tell ourselves, "If only I had it, I would be happy." Once we do have it, it is now under our belt and part of us and therefore not special anymore. If we truly understood this, we would not run after lust. By definition, one who runs after a married woman believes that if she were permitted to him, it would be truly heaven on earth.

In this 4 minute audio, Rabbi YY Jacobson gives us a real wake up call for these Fantasies!

For parts 2 and 3 of this article, click here.

To be continued...

Just last week, 3 people who were caught by their wives called the GYE hotline. One of the guys was weeping and saying that his wife would never trust him again. Another guy told us that when his wife found out, she went and told his parents, siblings and in-laws. And right after that, he had to stay by his in-laws with his kids because his wife just gave birth - and he couldn't look them in the face! Don't let this happen to you!

Image of the Day


Audio of the Day

When you caught your husband looking at shmutz

Broken heart syndrome

In this talk, Rabbi Shafier helps women who found out their husband's were looking at shmutz to put things into perspective. (Recorded especially for GuardYourEyes).

Joke of the day

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 MD 21282 U.S.A.