Lag Ba'Omer
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day
Your Best Friend
The Merit of Guarding Our Eyes
From the Front Lines (#2)
Audio of the Day
He's Watching

Video of the Day

Your Best Friend


The Gemara tells us that at the end of days, Hashem wil kill the Yetzer Hara in front of the righteous and in front of the wicked. And the Gemara says that both groups will be crying bitter tears. Why?



The Merit of Guarding Our Eyes By someone who wrote in to GYE:

I just heard this story on a shiur and I freaked out, and wanted to tell you about it.

A few years ago, a bus on a lag baomer trip crashed and 3 young boys and a bus driver died. One of the boys who died, who had been a chavrusa with a boy who survived, came to his friend in a dream and explained what had happened to them after they died; how they got to shamayim, how they were judged, and so on. The boy said that one of the boys in their group was exceedingly careful with shmiras anayim; he took it upon himself to never look at anything inappropriate or untzniyut. When he died, the boy in the dream said, "THIS BOY WAS ACCOMPANIED STRAIGHT TO THE KISEI HAKAVOD". He was the only one of the people that died that went straight to HASHEM, and all in the merit of guarding his eyes!



From the Front Lines (#2)
Members share what works for them:
By the.guard

"NachalNovea" writes on the forum:

Hi everyone, I’m not the usual type of guy to be writing on these things but I am clean for over 3 weeks!

This includes weekends at home, Coronavirus & being alone with technology for a long time, and many battles. Battles that without reading the experiences and simple victories of the holy chevra here, I would not be anywhere where I am today. Simply reading what we are all trying to attain + realizing that we are all in this together is tremendous.

My story really starts in high school, and has never been fully under control since. Went to yeshiva and had some good streaks but never really fought a battle. When I came back from Yeshiva, I fell hard and fast. To a point where I just tried to make it from Shabbos to Shabbos. The pre-Shabbos mikva became 1 big tefillah, begging hashem to give me the internal strength to be strong again just one more time. Like Shimshon.

Then I found GYE and I feel like a new person! This has been an amazing journey so far and I really owe you guys a yasher koach & huge thank you.

P.S. The levels on the 90-Day-Chart give me so much chizuk. (I am at the level of “Eved Hashem” now), it’s a phenomenal feature!


Audio of the Day

He's Watching

Someone sent us this recording... His truthfulness and passion are so moving!


He wrote:

Shavua Tov UmVorach! I’m just a simple bochur, my friend called me this week asking for some chizuk bc he was struggling with shmiras aynayim, I sent this to him Erev Shabbas & he pushed me to send it to you as well. Maybe it can give chizzuk to someone.

All the best! Tizku LeMitzvote. 

P.S - I love the GYE Shabbos print-outs, job well done!

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