How to erase bad memories
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1845  
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day: The Way to Heal Pain
Editor’s Note: Rabbi Miller's Q&A: How to Erase Bad Memories
Testimonials: Another 90-day success
Daily Dose of Dov: If It's Impossible, There Might Be Hope
Q & A: Re-motivated to work
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Video of the Day


The Way to Heal Pain

Rabbi Wallerstein

Would you give away your struggles if you could? 

Editor’s Note
Rabbi Miller's Q&A: How to Erase Bad Memories

By Rabbi Avigdor Miller, from a forthcoming Simchas Hachaim Publishing sefer of "Rabbi Miller's Questions and Answers":

What steps can be taken to erase bad memories?

Bad memories meaning — not sad memories, I’m talking about bad memories. A person once picked up a newspaper and saw a piece of tiflah, something that was foul, and it went to his head at that moment. How do you get rid of that? How do you get rid of wrong ideas? You passed a billboard, and there are very bad ideas on billboards today sometimes.

How do you get it out of your head? We follow the Rambam’s advice: fill your head with good things so there shouldn’t be any room left for wrong things. Now that’s very important; your mind must be full of ideas.

When you walk in the street, are you thinking of Torah ideas? For instance, are you thinking how great it is to be a Jew, “shelo asani goy?” Are you thinking about your tzitzis? “Ur’isem oso uz’chartem es kol mitzvos Hashem.” Do you ever think about any mitzvos when you look at your tzitzis? Oh, it’s a pity if not; get in the habit, when you look at your tzitzis think about something. Think about mezuzah, think about shmiras halashon, think about learning Torah, there are a thousand things, think about something.

When you see a mezuzah, look at the mezuzah! The mezuzah is saying, “Hashem echad — Hashem is one.” What does that mean? He is the mehaveh, He is the only one that exists, and He made the world come into existence out of nothing, at least that much you should think. Now, I can’t say you must do that every time you see a mezuzah, but sometimes the mezuzah should be able to remind you of something. It reminds you also to get busy and learn Torah, and when you’re in the house at the Shabbos table, the mezuzah is looking at you all the time, and watching you.

You’re sitting in the house eating. Look at the mezuzah, it’s watching you; watch out! Don’t say the wrong things! Don’t get angry! Be polite, make a berachah with kavanah, the mezuzah is looking at you!

And that’s how to get wrong things out of your head.

Another 90-day success
Daily Dose of Dov
If It's Impossible, There Might Be Hope
By Dov

Dear friend,

Do you think you are an addict? In other words, are you beaten? I am. I'm an addict who is sober today for a bunch of years and there are many others like me (even many frum ones) who will gladly meet with you on the phone, or preferably in person, to freely and openly share their recovery with you. It all depends on what you are willing to do for your recovery - and if you really feel you 'have had enough' already. I have had enough, b"H, and it sounds like you may have, too. All my love for my wife and innocent children will not stop me from horrifically screwing my life up. You seem to see the same thing, and are shocked. I'm not. I am an addict.

Only I can give up the useless breath-holding-in-the-face-of-temptation and finally reach for the company of other addicts so that I can get the help I need from Hashem.

Nu. It's very, very hard. It's actually impossible. If you see it that way, then I say there is - possibly for the very first time - hope that you might finally start to get better, by Hashem's Chessed, as many others have, and are, today. Who really needs G-d at all, if they have power?

Give up on the breath-holding struggle, but not on yourself! You have a life; your wife has a husband; and your children have a father. There is help for you to still save those things.

Q & A
Re-motivated to work
How do I deal with an addiction through the phone?
By Elya

Did anyone out there ever have a serious problem with using the phone to listen to inappropriate things, or even worse- to have sexual conversation on the phone? Anyone ever spend money on this? What could one do about this? Unlike the internet, there are no filters that I know of for the phone! One can't live nowadays without a phone, especially when living with other people! Any thoughts on this?

Read more
Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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