Best relationship advice ever
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1686  
In Today's Issue
Announcements: GYE's New Video Site
Video of the Day: The Best Relationship Advice Ever
Text: What spouses of addicts need to know
Announcements: My Filter Blocks GYE
Daily Dose of Dov: My Life is Over
Announcements: Big Book Study Group for Women
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GYE's New Video Site
Video of the Day

Jordan Peterson is a psychology professor at the University of Toronto and a very entertaining speaker.


The Best Relationship Advice Ever

Please share your any inspiring clips you may have with us at (gmail allows for big attachments using Google drive)

What spouses of addicts need to know
Written by a Married GYE Member
By GYE Member

I would like to share an important point with wives of men who struggle:

Your husband is not acting out because of you.

He is not doing it to spite you.

He is not doing it because he misses something which he thought he could have gotten from you.

He is doing it because he is out of control.

He is not thinking of you because he is not thinking, period!!!

"His love and care for you should stop him", you say.

So I ask you, "How about his love and care for himself?"

Well, the same way that doesn't stop him although he knows that he is ruining his life, his love and care for you can't stop him either.

Think of him like a drunk.

Did you ever try reasoning with a drunk?

Do you have any expectations of care and concern from a drunk?

What he needs is GYE, which understands what he is going through, and the support which they give.

If you can tap into GYE and learn what he is going through and offer to be his support, great.

If not, let him get support from someone else.

What you should do, is push him when he is "sober" to contact GYE and follow the steps.

His love and care for you should be enough to at least get him to GYE.

My Filter Blocks GYE
Does your filter site block GYE and you're embarrassed to ask them to open it? We have a solution for you!

The following GYE password protected websites have been opened for all users by the following Jewish filter companies:

  • Gentech
  • Meshimer
  • eNativ
  • NativUSA
  • NetFree
  • Netspark
  • Rimon
  • Etrog - Our English password protected site - Our Hebrew password protected site - Our Yiddish site

For both sites, this is the login info to access the sites:

User: gye

Password: safe613

If you know anyone who has this issue with our site, please let them know!

Daily Dose of Dov
My Life is Over
By Dov

Dear Dov,

A woman wrote to us admitting that she did terrible things, lied a lot, and ruined her life as a result. Her children were taken away from her, she is on parole, etc... She is devastated, feels hopeless, and is racked by guilt.

Dov Responds:

Hashem loved her before she did those things, and loves her still. In some respect, she is far more lovable now, because at least now she is not fabricating, but taking some responsibility. It is a pity all around, and the only thing she can sensibly focus on now is taking positive actions to improve the situation for all parties. Every time the guilt comes in, it is her duty to think of something positive and helpful to do now.

1- She writes that she was/is in 12 step meetings. Is she getting help and sobriety from that problem right now? If she is an addict but not getting the help she needs to stay sober and grow in recovery day by day, then she has even bigger problems than her children being taken from her/being a parole, etc. Being an unsober addict is far worse than all the troubles she has had and has right now. If she does not realize that fact, then it is unlikely that she will ever get back a normal life. Normal lives are given back to addicts who are sober and working a program in sobriety. But if they are not recovering, then whatever good they somehow build or are given will soon be ruined anyway. So I'd say that is her first priority.

2- She has learned that she fabricates, she lies - even to endanger and potentially damage herself. She needs help for that issue itself. Her desire for acceptance and approval was her downfall and cannot be ignored. She will do it again. Her overpowering desire for approval will guide her behaviors more and more - or be converted into the opposite: absolute hatred of others. Either way, she will not successfully bond with humanity until she becomes a consistently and thoroughly honest person who's goal is honesty rather than favor in the eyes of others. And 'others' includes her children, family, and even G-d. When people try to gain favor in G-d's eye, that is really just an attempt to manipulate Hashem by bribery. That is not avodah. Avodah is the fruit of self-honesty. And for liars like us, self-honesty is only learned by being honest with others. "How can I practice those things day by day, hour by hour, now?", is the main question now. If that is not her goal, then program work she does will be tainted by the desire to impress others instead of truthfulness and self-honesty. How can she recover without real honesty?

3- Guilt is terribly painful and is 'the wages of sin', people say. But in recovery, it is actually a tremendous gift for her. A therapist once told me, Learn to make fear your friend." Same here. Each time the guilt hits her, she will end up finding herself wishing and eventually trying to escape, hate/blame others, hurt herself by wallowing in self-pity and sorrow, etc. Eventually that will lead her to lie yet more, to isolate more, and to act out sexually again. But she can definitely use every guilt pang to remember that there was only one thing that ultimately caused her this terrible pain she is in and all the damage: isolating, lying, and acting out sexually. Those things are her greatest and only true enemy.

This is not c"v to hurt her feelings, but rather realizing this can give her 3 priceless gifts: 1- Strengthening her joy that she is bH sober now, which gives her hope for any and all brocha; 2- The ability to feel how good Hashem is to her right now and helping even a person such as ourselves who did all these things; and to help her 3- let lust go of lust with a bit less pain the next time she fantasizes about "how nice it would be if...". All three of those are precious gifts that she cannot buy with any money. Only pain and her past acting out could have given these opportunities to her, bH, and this is Hashem's Will extending even through and using cheit. Wow, what a chessed. As long as honesty is her goal, fantasies of life being futile and 'all being lost' will be avoidable. For they are just the crying of the ego for 'what could have been' and distract her from 'what truly is'. The AA's have a prayer about this: "G-d grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." I hope you can see how humility is the only way to really take that prayer seriously enough to mean it. Our self-absorption drags us mercilessly into the unchangeable past ('what I should have done') or into the future that we desire ('what could have been'). In both cases, the present is sacrificed on the altar of our ego, and lost.

We wish her hatzlocha and I am happy for her that she is seeming to be very honest now. Her honesty today is the kernel from which a good life can grow. Her present hope is all that really matters - all she has power over. Her life is not over, as long as she remains self honest. Things can and will improve for everyone if she makes the effort and the 12 steps is a great way to do that, if she chooses them.

Big Book Study Group for Women
Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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