Faith despite Failure
  Breaking Free Chizuk #1622  
In Today's Issue
Announcements: Dov's Q&A Thursday Call
Image of the Day
Torah: Parnasa, Haman, and Parshas HaMan
Sayings: I fail so I can succeed
Chizuk: Emunah and Bitachon
Link of the Day: Shovavim Audio Workshop
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Dov's Q&A Thursday Call

Dov's Q&A call is a WEEKLY Thursday call

8am - 9am EST each Thursday

Click here for more info on Dov's weekly call

Want to hear recordings of previous calls? Click here.

Note: the Desperadoes Call continues to be Sundays and Wed at Noon.


Do you like the 'Daily Dose of Dov' in the chizuk e-mails? We're proud to announce:

avatar3207Dov's Daily Q&A Call

Thursdays, 8-9AM EST

Dial In Number:
From U.S. 515-739-1294
(For all other countries, click here).
Participant PIN: 382530#

Dov - from the "Daily Dose of Dov" - has been sober with Hashem's help through SA one day at a time since 1997 and has been a major part of GYE since 2008.

Recently Dov's story and some of his writings were published in Rabbi Twerski's latest book called "Teshuva & Recovery". (Click here to see Dov's excerpts from the book. The book can be purchased at

Be"H, Dov has been leading a closed 12-Step call on GYE for a few years (and that call continues). Through that call and the forum, he has spoken with and met with hundreds of GYE members over the years. For the first time, Dov will be leading an OPEN call. That is, the PIN of this call is being made public so that people can call in, ask their questions and discuss them.

This call will be recorded so that we can build a repertoire of Q&A material on GYE. We hope this resource will help many Jewish people around the world who suffer in shame and silence, until Moshiach comes.

Send in your questions beforehand to and Dov will try to address them in the call, as well. Spoken questions posed on the call will still have precedence.

We are excited about this new development and hope that everyone takes advantage of this amazing new opportunity to discuss your deepest secrets, fears and questions with a person who has been there and cares.

Click here for the full information about this call

Image of the Day
Parnasa, Haman, and Parshas HaMan
I sent an email to family and friends today, with a reminder to say parshas Haman as a segula for parnassa. One of them responded in jest: "What does Haman have to do with parnasa?"
By Yaakov from GYE

Hashem inspired me to respond as follows:

That's a good question. Chazal actually ask, "Where can we find Haman in the Torah?" And they answer, from the pasuk where Hashem asks Adam Harishon if he ate from the tree that he was commanded not to:

הֲמִן-הָעֵץ, אֲשֶׁר צִוִּיתִיךָ לְבִלְתִּי אֲכָל-מִמֶּנּוּ--אָכָלְתָּ?

What was the sin of Adam Harishon? Even though Adam and Chava had everything a person could dream of in Gan Eden, the Nachash convinced them that they weren't happy as long as they couldn't have that one forbidden fruit. They "took" for themselves something Hashem didn't want to give them, so-to-speak taking "control" of their own needs. (By the way, this is also what we do when we lust and feel "I need this", even though we know Hashem doesn't want us to have it and He knows what's best for us and He provides us with all our real needs.)

As a result of Adam's eating the forbidden fruit, it was decreed upon him that he would have to work for his food "by the sweat of his brow". This is a direct Midah Kineged Midah for his sin, as if to say, "If you don't trust me to care for all your needs and give you only the best for you, then go work for it yourself! No more "free-lunches".

Now let us consider, what was the root of Haman's great evil? Perhaps we can catch a glimpse of it from the Pesukim of the Megilah where Haman tells over to his wife and friends about his vast wealth, honor, and many children, and then he says: "And ALL THIS is not worth anything to me when I see Mordechai the Jew standing in the gate of the king!" Haman had enough to keep many men happy for many lifetimes, yet it's still wasn't enough for him if he didn't have EVERYTHING.

This is the same attitude that led to Adam Harishon's downfall! Perhaps that is why Hashem alluded to the future Haman when he berated Adam Harishon for having eaten from the forbidden fruit, since the attitudes of both came from the same place. (Maybe that's also why Haman was hung on "a tree", to allude that his demise was a step closer to the tikkun of Adam's original sin).

The Maan in the desert was a test, as it says in the Torah:

הִנְנִי מַמְטִיר לָכֶם לֶחֶם מִן הַשָּׁמָיִם וְיָצָא הָעָם וְלָקְטוּ דְּבַר יוֹם בְּיוֹמוֹ לְמַעַן אֲנַסֶּנּוּ הֲיֵלֵךְ בְּתוֹרָתִי אִם לֹא

The Maan came only once a day. Hashem was teaching us to rely completely on Him. As opposed to Gan Eden when there was enough sustenance forever, the Maan taught us to trust that Hashem cares for our needs precisely. Each day we get exactly what we need for that day, not a drop more and not a drop less.

Living on faith in the desert--one day at a time--was a test as well as a tikkun for the sin of Adam Harishon. And when we go to work each day to bring home food "by the sweat of our brow", yet we still trust that it is HASHEM who is providing for our needs (and not our hishtadlus), this is also a direct tikkun on the sin of Adam Harishon.

When we say Parshas Haman, we strive to increase our Emunah in Hashem's direct Hasgacha on providing us with all we need. Even though we don't have today the "Tzintzenes" of Maan that Hashem commanded them to put away for generations, we can remind ourselves of the lessons of the Maan by saying this precious Parsha, at minumum once a year (the Minhag is Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach). And by doing this and increasing our Emunah, we fix these faulty attitudes and bring the universe closer to perfection.

Again, it is the same with lust. Every time we see something that we know Hashem doesn't want us to have and we succeed in turning away with the trust that Hashem is providing us for all our needs and we needn't try to "wrest control" from Him by attempting to provide for ourselves that which He doesn't want us to have, this causes a tremendous tikkun in the upper words to the sin of Adam as well.

Tu-Bishvat falls out around the time of Parshas Haman (this year, it falls out on the Shabbos of Parshas Haman). Perhaps there is a connection between Tu-Bishvat, which is the Rosh Hashana of the trees, and Parshas Haman, where we increase our Emunah in Hashem's providing all our needs, in regards to the tikkun of Adam's sin with the Tree-of-Knowledge.

Ultimately, the sin of Adam Harishon will be fixed and Moshiach will arrive. The Koach of Haman and Amalek will be wiped off the earth and the world will return to a state where we will once again see clearly how Hashem provides us with everything we need. We will no longer feel a need for anything we aren't given by Hashem. We will be in state of shleimus - perfection.

So yes, Parnasa and Haman are directly connected :-)

I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game's winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. -Michael Jordan

Ysterday we read Parshas Ha-Man as a segulah for parnosso. This story brings out the importance of trusting in Hashem one day at a time, just like the 'maan' came one day at a time, to teach us Emunah.

Emunah and Bitachon
By D.H. (From Rebbe Nachman's Stories)
By GYE Member

There was once a king who loved nothing better than to go out alone in the clothes of a commoner. He wanted to meet the ordinary people of his kingdom--to learn their way of life, and especially their way of thinking about the world. One night, this king found himself walking in the poorest, narrowest street of the city. This was the street of the Jews. He heard a song in the distance. The king thought, "A song sung in this place of poverty must be a lament!" But as he got closer, he could hear the true character of the song: it was a song of pride! "Bai-yum-dum, bai-yum-bai, yum-bai, bai...."

Read more
Link of the Day

Navigating Shovavim - Part 2

Shovavim Audio Workshop

 (continued from Parsha Recovery email, parshas Bo) 

Week 2-"Tools from Psychology"-About how habits are formed and ways taken from the field of psychology to break habits.

Accompanying Slides.

Do you think you may have a porn addiction?

Do you have a problem with obsessive and compulsive porn use? Have you seriously tried the tools on GYE and feel that you are not getting better? Maybe it’s time to consider joining a 12-Step program.

Porn Anonymous (PA)
If you’re compulsively acting-out with pornography and masturbation we suggest you explore joining Porn Anonymous (PA). If you need help deciding whether to join PA, call Michael at 347-699-2368, or email to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit (Hebrew: / Yiddish:

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)
If your compulsive acting-out has progressed beyond the screen (with other people, paid sexual services, etc.) we suggest you explore joining Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). To figure out if SA is for you, call Dov at 917-414-8205, or email Dov at to schedule a time to talk. For more information visit

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