Tisha Be'av 5780
In Today's Issue
Audio of the Day
The Broken Chosson
Video of the Day
Bodies from the Holocaust
Image of the Day
Shattered Life

Audio of the Day

The Broken Chosson


Things don't seem that bad overall - so what are we REALLY mourning for?


Video of the Day

אמר רבי שמעון בן לקיש: לעולם ירגיז אדם יצר טוב על יצר הרע ...אם נצחו - מוטב, ואם לאו - יזכור לו יום המיתה

This footage, shot by the British Army Film Unit in Nazi concentration camps in 1945, can be viewed a last resort "Turn-Off" to wake us up to the emptiness of flesh-worship and stop ourselves from falling.

Bodies from the Holocaust


To view the video in Google drive click here.

Click here for a "Turn-Off" page with pictures from the Holocaust amd pesukim from Eicha.

Someone wrote to us:

Thank you very much to whoever put together the "emergency turn off" page. Watching the holocaust to break free from lust is amazing. Incredible and disgusting. Watching it just shakes me up for the day. Well done.

Image of the Day



Shattered Life
Someone shared with us an experience that shook them up and helped them in their own struggle.

I was working with a lawyer this past summer, who took on the most startling of cases: A frum yid had unfortunately succumbed to his ta'avas, and committed horrible crimes. I will not state the exact nature of his crimes, yet I will say that he neither spoke, nor made any physical contact with his victims.

Before describing the court scene, I will first say that I have been to truly horrific funerals, and sat at some unbelievably sad and shocking shivas.

Nothing in my life had ever shaken me like the trial I sat through that day.

Frum family members and Rabbanim filled the court room to testify on this person's behalf. Not regarding the crime he committed, of which the defendant did not deny, but of his character. That, despite his crimes, he was a loving father and husband. That he learned every day. That he prayed. That he gave charity.

As each family member and Rabbi got up to address the judge, and spoke about how shocked and embarrassed they were, I had one thought going through my mind: This could have been me.

The crime that this fellow committed was not so far from viewing pornography that I could never have envisioned myself doing something like this. This could have been me.

Then the victims got up and spoke about how violated, and scarred they were.

Then the defendant spoke.

A frum, regular looking person. Someone you and I see in shul on a daily basis. Maybe someone you see in the mirror.

Between sobs, he spoke about his problem. The problem that started with pornography, but was never dealt with, and which eventually snowballed to this. One thing was quite clear: This man would have rather died than been in this situation.

Finally, the judge delivered the sentence:

Multiple years in prison.

Family sobbing.

Friends sobbing.

Rabbanim sobbing.

Defendant too shocked to move or speak.

They took off his tie, cuffed him, and led him out. As he walked out, he looked back at his wife. Until the day I die, I will never forget that look he gave her. His expression was frightened beyond belief. Apologetic. Embarrassed. Desperate.

This shook me like nothing else ever had. This could have been me.

אל אלא אני בוכיה

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