Wiping Out Amalek
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day
Wiping Out Amalek
Image of the Day
Audio of the Day
A Purim Message for Addicts
Amalek = 240 = Safek

Video of the Day

Wiping Out Amalek


How does destrying Amalek apply to each and every one of us?

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Last Call: SMART Recovery starting in Brooklyn this Monday!

SMART Recovery® helps individuals gain independence from addiction. Their efforts are based on scientific knowledge and have evolved as evidence-based practices of addiction recovery evolve.

Great news!

Following the success of the live SMART Recovery meetings in Lakewood, NJ, GYE is starting live SMART Recovery meetings in Brooklyn on Monday, Feb 22, at 8pm. If you live in Brooklyn and are serious about recovery, we invite you to join us!

The meetings will be led by a certified SMART recovery facilitator who also has personal experience with the 12-step program, and is also a longtime GYE member.

If you feel you will gain from these meetings or would like more information please email

Note: The location for the live meetings will only be given to people who have been screened individually by a facilitator. This allows everyone to have a truly safe environment where they can open up honestly with others who have also been carefully screened. If you are interested in joining please email

Image of the Day


Audio of the Day

A Purim Message for Addicts


A talk by Dov, who is over 20 years clean in SA, to GYE members.



Amalek = 240 = Safek By Efshar Letaken

I just want to share a thought that I heard from Reb Yitzchak Moishe Erlinger from Yeshivas Me'Oir Einaim in Yerushalaim (a Very Holy Yid) at the shiur that he gave yesterday at Irgun Shurei Torah in Boro Park.

He was talking about how to achieve real Simcha in the month of Adar. And one of the points he made was that "Ein Simche K'Hatoras Hasfeikus - There's no greater Simcha then resolving one's doubts!"

Often we get stuck in Doubts: "Can I make it? Will I fall again? Will I have to deal with this for the rest of my life?" Etc.. and the list is endless.

Amalek is B'Gematria Safek! All the Satan wants is to put us into doubt & then he has us beat.

When we make up our minds to do something good, Amalek shows up with the Question Marks. "Me?!? Nah! I can do this? I tried so many times before, why should it be different this time? And anyway, is it that bad? ... Hashem Loves me? Why would He?"

And we drop it right there & then & Amalek won.

He added a known saying that "A bad decision is better then no decision at all!" We might end up "eating" this decision we made, but it's still worth it.

We have to make decisions & not let any doubts get in the way, no matter what!

Yes, I am going to do whatever it takes to deal with my addiction! No "Ifs", "Ands" or "Buts"!

And when we get rid of doubts & make solid decisions, then yes! We Will Be Happy!

And when we are Happy, we don't get caught up in Sin.

I bless you all with Happiness for the rest of your lives.


Joke of the day

GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380 Pikesville,
 MD 21282 U.S.A.