"As I dance before you"
In Today's Issue
Video of the Day
"As I dance before you"
Audio of the Day
Achieving 'Happiness and the Human Spirit'
Link of the Day
Personal Stories
My Journey Home

Three Announcements

1. We're looking for a volunteer who can help us with Wordpress administration, to enter articles, images and videos into a new site were putting together in honor of Rabbi Twerski. We're also looking for volunteers who can type articles and transcript audio files. (Also, if you ever had any story or correspondence with Rabbi Twerski, please share it with us!)

2. In these final 3 days of Shovavim, please join our "Shovavim Raffle", to help us raise the funds we need to continue helping the tens of thousands of Yidden who are struggling with slavery to the Yetzer Hara. Please help - and get a chance to win $100,000!


Video of the Day

"As I dance before you"


What can we learn from the smile of the shrinking moon?

If your filter blocks this, you can use this link to google drive.


Audio of the Day

Achieving 'Happiness and the Human Spirit'


One of the leading causes of addiction is an inner void, low self-esteem and/or depression. Hear from Rabbi Twerski about finding direction and happiness in life!

Rabbi Avraham Twerski interviewed on IsraelNationalRadio in 2007. Click here for a transcript of the interview.



Your Personal Guide to Fighting - and Winning - The Battle of Shemiras Ha'Einayim

Imagine having a personal spiritual trainer — someone to spend time with you, someone who really understands you and the challenges you face — a personal guide who encourages and uplifts, and can offer real, down-to-earth chizuk and inspiration, without any preaching.

i Observe is that guide.

It was written by a Mashgiach in the famed Slabodka Yeshiva, who made a career out of wisely and lovingly helping young men to grow, overcome their challenges, and become great. A talmid chochom of the highest order, it is hard to hide his sheer brilliance — and yet his practical, real-world advice, strategies, and encouragement are appreciated across the globe, by scholars and novices alike.

His original Hebrew עין עלי became popular in Eretz Yisroel, and is now in its sixth printing. And now, for the first time, the English-speaking Torah world can enjoy and be inspired by this groundbreaking work.

Link of the Day


Personal Stories

My Journey Home
A GYE Member wrote:

Dear fellow brethren,

Not too long ago, I saw an advertisement for GYE on YeshivaWorld; since then, I have signed up and read/listen to the GYE boosts, which is INCREDIBLY AMAZING beyond English words to describe what a powerful tool GYE is in retaliation of tremendous and deep challenges and for the preservation of our souls, our essence, our very being! Mi KiAmcha Yisrael!?!

There is so much to write to you about, yet, after starting off with a HUGE Hakaras Hatov for all of the time, energy, attention, patience, and resources that you all put into this life saving organization, and how many people's lives were/are saved through GYE as well as future generations, I am to get to the next point of this letter.

In response to the deeply inspiring and motivating Shiurim and tips, tidbits, tools and more that literally give a person the tools, inner strength and courage to fight and eventually win this intense war, I wrote some of my thoughts down on paper. Although I generally do not share my writings, in commemoration and deep respect and honor of Rabbi Twerski ZT"L, whom I understand played a significant role in GYE, I would like to share them with you in the event that it may inspire someone else, in which case it would be worth sharing.

My Silent Plea

Heart full of anguish and yearning, I turn to You
Father in Heaven, I long to return to the Truth
I feel so far from You, my Father, my King
Abashed and alone, You know everything.

I feel lost and confused
What's the right thing to do
There's a tug-of-war deep inside
There's nowhere for me to hide.

I feel all alone in this perilous fight
Please Hashem, let my inner spark dispel the night
With Your help, Hashem, above and all around
I can and I will, successfully win this round.

Ah, the challenge is so great, let me go
I can't live this way, I need to know
How to get out, these thoughts and feelings I dread
I long to really live, live outside my head.

I need You, Hashem, please show me the way
To walk in Your path, each day I pray
Please Hashem, help me win this long dreadful fight
To hold on to hope within this dark bitter night.

I can and I will win this tug-of-war fight
I will give it my all, to do what is right
With Your help, Hashem, above and all around
I can and I will, successfully win this round.

I need to gather courage and inner strength
To succeed in this daunting challenge at length
Hashem, to Your Torah and Faith, help me adhere
To find my purpose, and complete my mission here.

Hashem, sincerely speaking it out with You
Fills me with hope and courage, I'm not lost or confused
You control everything, failure and success
My job is to try and do my absolute best.

Thank You, Hashem, my Tefilos You heard
Straightening the many lines that were blurred
Granting me the strength and courage to move forward
To live the Life of Truth, with Eternal reward.

One step at a time, it's not over 'till it's done
My journey Home, in Your way, it's just begun
With Your help, Hashem, above and all around
I can and I will, successfully win this round.

Again, the tireless and selfless work that you do on behalf of Klal Yisrael is eternal, in this world and the next! May Hashem continue to grant you and GYE much Hatzlacha Raba and Shefa Bracha in all of your endeavours.


A grateful and proud member of Klal Yisrael

GYE Corp. P.O. Box 32380 Pikesville,
 MD 21282 U.S.A.